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CHAMP 24 FITNESS is a well-equipped 24-hours fitness centre with spacious space and comfortable environment.

CHAMP 24 FITNESS 是一間全年24小時開放的健身中心,設備齊全,場地寬敞,環境舒適。

We are implementing “NO contract, NO prepayment & NO handling fee” scheme offers without any hidden charges which is broke the mold of ordinary fitness centre to let you experience the unconstrained fitness model.


In order to cater your specific needs, our professional team had set up variety training classes to help you achieve your goals like 1 on 1 personal training, Muay Thai class and Small Group Yoga class.

為迎合不同需要的您,我們提供不同的課堂訓練,包括:1 對 1 私人專業教練課堂、泰拳班及瑜伽小組班,助您進一步達成目標。

9am - 6pm 星期一至星期五
新界將軍澳唐俊街28號 海天晉滙1樓101號舖