CHAMP 24 FITNESS is a well-equipped 24-hours fitness centre with spacious space and comfortable environment. CHAMP 24 FITNESS 是一間全年24小時開放的健身中心,設備齊全,場地寬敞,環境舒適。 We are implementing “NO contract, NO prepayment & NO handling fee” scheme offers without any hidden charges which is broke the mold of ordinary fitness centre to let you experience the unconstrained fitness model. 我們打破了一般健身中心的常規,推行「無合約、無預繳、無手續費」的政策,且絕無隱藏收費,令您可於無顧慮的情況下體驗健身的樂趣。 In order to cater your specific needs, our professional team had set up variety training classes to help you achieve your goals like 1 on 1 personal training, Muay Thai class and Small Group Yoga class. 為迎合不同需要的您,我們提供不同的課堂訓練,包括:1 對 1 私人專業教練課堂、泰拳班及瑜伽小組班,助您進一步達成目標。